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General Pope and the assistant secretary of war.

A correspondent of the N. Y. Tribune says: [393]

I heard, while at Pillow, an anecdote of General Pope --an officer of ability, but sometimes a very unpleasant man, with a pompous and hectoring manner — which will bear repetition. While at his headquarters, the general was approached by a rather small, plain-looking, and entirely unassuming man, in citizen's attire, with the question: “Are you General Pope, sir?”

“ That is my name,” was the answer, in rather a repelling tone.

“ I would like to see you, then, on a matter of business.”

“Call on my adjutant, sir. He will arrange any business you may have.”

“ But I wish to have a personal conversation with you.”

“See my adjutant,” in an authoritative voice.

“ But-”

“Did I not tell you to see my adjutant? Trouble me no more, sir ;” and Pope was about walking away.

“My name is Scott, general,” quietly remarked the small, plain man.

“ Confound you! What do I care,” thundered Pope, in a rising passion, “if your name is Scott, or Jones, or Jenkins, or Snooks, for the matter of that? See my adjutant, I tell you, fellow! Leave my presence!”

“I am,” continued the quiet man, in his quiet way, “the Assistant Secretary of War, and-”

What a revolution those simple words made in the general's appearance and manner!

His angry, haughty, domineering air was dispelled in a moment, and a flush of confusion passed over his altered face [394]

“ I beg your pardon, Mr. Scott, I had no idea whom I was addressing. Pray be seated; I shall be happy to grant you an interview at any time.”

Possibly a very close observer might have seen a faint, half contemptuous smile on the Secretary's lips; though he said nothing, but began to unfold his business without comment.

After that unique interview, Pope and the Assistant Secretary were very frequently together, and I venture to say the latter had no reason subsequently to complain of the general's rudeness.

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