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Chapter 32:

  • The Alabama a ship of war, and not a privateer
  • -- sketch of the personnel of the ship -- putting the ship in order for service -- sail and steam -- the character of the sailor -- the first blow struck at the whale fishery -- the Habitat and habits of the whale -- the first capture.

The reader has seen in the last chapter, that the Alabama is at length upon the high seas, as a commissioned ship of war of the Confederate States, her commission having been signed by Mr. Jefferson Davis, who had all the de facto right, and much more of the de jure right, to sign such a commission than John Hancock, who signed Paul Jones' commission. The Alabama having been built by the Government of the Confederate States, and commissioned by these States, as a ship of war, was, in no sense of the word, a privateer, which is a private armed ship belonging to individuals, and fitted out for purposes of gain. And yet, throughout the whole war, and long after the war, when she was not called a ‘pirate’ by the Northern press, she was called a privateer. Even high Government officials of the enemy so characterized her. Many of the newspapers erred through ignorance, but this misnomer was sheer malice, and very petty malice, too, on the part of those of them who were better informed, and on the part of the Government officials, all of whom, of course, knew better. Long after they had acknowledged the war, as a war, which carried with it an acknowledgment of the right of the Confederate States to fit out cruisers, they stultified themselves by calling her ‘pirate,’ and ‘privateer.’ They were afraid to speak the truth, in conformity with the facts, lest the destruction

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