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Kenton, Simon -1836

Born in Fauquier county, Va., April 3, 1755. Supposing he had killed in an affray a rival in a love affair when he was sixteen years old, he fled to the wilderness west of the Alleghany Mountains, where he was the friend and companion of Daniel Boone in many daring feats. He was in expeditions against the Indians, was captured by them, and taken to Detroit. Escaping from a Brit-

Simon Kenton.

[235] ish prison there in 1779, he distinguished himself in resisting the invasion of Kentucky by the British and Indians in that year. Finally, after an expedition against the Indians on the Miami, he settled (1784) near Maysville. He accompanied Wayne in his expedition in 1794. In 1805 he was seated near the Mud River, in Ohio, and was made brigadier-general of militia. In 1813 he served under Governor Shelby at the battle of the Thames. Beggared by lawsuits because of defective titles to lands, he lived in penury many years. In 1824 he appeared at Frankfort, Ky., in tattered clothes, and successfully appealed to the legislature to release the claim of the State to lands which were his. Congress afterwards allowed him a pension. He died in Logan county, O., April 29, 1836.

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