Kelly's Ford,
A locality on the Rappahannock River in Virginia, which was the scene of several engagements between the National and Confederate forces during the Civil War. The first, on Aug. 20, 1862, was with the cavalry of the Army of Virginia; the second, on March 17, 1863, in which the 1st and 5th United States, the 3d, 4th, and 16th Pennsylvania, the 1st Rhode Island, the 6th Ohio, and the 4th New York cavalry regiments, and the 6th New York battery were engaged; the third, on Aug. 1-3, 1863, being a part of the engagements at Rappahannock and Brandy stations; and the fourth, Nov. 7, 1863, in which the 1st United States Sharp-shooters, the 40th New York, 1st and 20th Indiana, 3d and 5th Michigan, and the 110th Pennsylvania regiments, supported by the remainder of the 3d Corps of the Army of the Potomac, were engaged. On Jan. 27, 1864, the cavalry division of the Army of the Ohio had an engagement at Fair Gardens, Tenn., otherwise known as French Broad or Kelly's Ford.