Buckner, Simon Bolivar, 1823-
Military officer; born in Kentucky in 1823; was graduated at the United States Military Academy in 1844; was Assistant Professor of Ethics there for two years, and then engaged in the war with Mexico. in which he was wounded, and brevetted captain. After that war he was again a tutor at West Point; resigned in 1855: practised law in Kentucky: and became one of the most prominent “Knights of the Golden circle” (q. v.) in that State. After the Civil War began he became commander of the Kentucky State Guard, and adjutant-general of the State. He soon joined the Confederate army, and surrendered the fort and garrison of Fort Donelson (q. v.) in February, 1862, when he was sent a prisoner to Fort Warren. After his release, he continued in the Confederate service until the close of the war. He became a lieutenant-general in the army; was selected by General Grant to be one of his pall-bearers; and was elected governor of Kentucky in 1887.