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Women's clubs, General Federation of

An organization incorporated in 1892 and composed of over 2,700 women's clubs, having a membership of 200,000 women in the United States and foreign countries. The purpose of the federation is declared in its articles of incorporation to be “to bring into communication with one another the various women's clubs throughout the world, that they may compare methods of work and become mutually helpful. Constitutions of clubs applying for membership should show that no sectarianism or political test is required, and, while the distinctively humanitarian movements may be recognized, their chief purpose is not philanthropic or technical, but social, literary, artistic, or scientific culture.” Meetings of the federation are held biennially. There are thirty State federations auxiliary to the general federation, and 595 single clubs in forty-one States. Several clubs from foreign countries are members of the federation—the Pioneer Club, of London; Woman's Club, of Bombay; and Educational Club, of Ceylon; clubs in Australia, South America, etc.

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