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Spooner, John Coit 1843-

Legislator; born in Lawrenceville, Ind., Jan. 6, 1843; accompanied his father's family to Madison, Wis., in 1859; graduated at the Wisconsin State University in 1864; entered the Union army and became major of the 50th Wisconsin Volunteers, and was private and military secretary to Gov. Lucius Fairchild (q. v.). He was admitted to the bar in 1867; was associate Attorney-General in 1867-70; removed to Hudson, Wis., in the latter year, and practised law there till 1884; and was elected United [336] States Senator to succeed Angus Cameron for the term beginning March 4, 1885. On the expiration of this term (1891) he was succeeded by William F. Vilas, Democrat. In 1892 he was defeated as Republican candidate for governor of Wisconsin; in the following year removed to Madison, and on Jan. 27, 1897, was again elected United States Senator to succeed Senator Vilas. In the Fifty-sixth Congress Senator Spooner was chairman of the committee on rules, and a member of the committees on the judiciary, public, health and national quarantine, finance, and relations with Cuba; his membership in the latter committee was exceedingly influential, and greatly aided President McKinley in carrying out the scheme of Congress for the tentative management of Cuban affairs.

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John Coit Spooner (2)
William Freeman Vilas (1)
William F. Vilas (1)
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Lucius Fairchild (1)
Angus Cameron (1)
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March 4th, 1885 AD (1)
1884 AD (1)
1870 AD (1)
1864 AD (1)
1859 AD (1)
January 6th, 1843 AD (1)
1843 AD (1)
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