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Moore, John Bassett 1860-

Author; born in Smyrna, Del., Dec. 3, 1860; was educated at the University of Virginia, and

John Bassett Moore.

admitted to the bar of Delaware in 1883. In 1885 he was appointed law clerk in the State Department in Washington, D. C., and in the following year became third assistant Secretary of State. In 1891 he resigned this office to accept the chair of International Law and Diplomacy in Columbia University. In April, 1898, he was recalled to the United States Department of State, and in September became secretary and counsel to the American Peace Commissioners in Paris. He is author of Extradition and Interstate rendition; American notes on the conflict of laws; History and digest of international arbitrations, etc., and one of the editors of the Political Science quarterly, and of the Journal du droit international Prive;. See Professor Moore's article on the Alaskan boundary, in vol. i., p. 81.

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