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McCook, Alexander McDowell 1831-

Military officer; born in Columbiana county, O., April 22, 1831; a son of Maj. Daniel McCook (q. v.); graduated at West Point in 1852; served against the Indians in New Mexico in 1857; was assistant instructor of tactics at West Point in 1858-61; and was colonel of the 1st Ohio Regiment at the battle of Bull Run. In September, 1861, he was commissioned brigadier-general of volunteers, and in July, 1862, having distinguished himself at Shiloh and Corinth, he was promoted majorgeneral. He fought in the battle of Perryville in command of the 1st Corps of the Army of the Ohio, and commanded the right wing in the battle at Stone River (q. v.). He was afterwards in command of the 20th Army Corps, and fought in the [12]

Alexander McDowell McCook.

battle of Chickamauga (q. v.). In 1880 he was promoted to colonel of the 6th Infantry; in 1890 to brigadier-general; and in 1894 to major-general; and was retired April 22, 1895.

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