A‘Abolitionist,’ distinguished from ‘antislavery man,’ 74
Accident in war, 234
Acworth, Ga., military movements near, 130, 316
Adams, Charles F., U. S. Minister at London, 385, 392
Adjutant-general, the office of the, 422, 423, 469, 470
‘Advance and Retreat’ (Hood's), 172
Alabama, Hood's proposed movement toward, 163; Thomas proposes a campaign in, 253, 255, 256, 305; abundance of supplies in, 288; Thomas to have command over, 317
Alexander, Col. Barton S., trip to Hawaii with S., 431
Alexandria, Va., provisional government of Virginia at, 394
Allatoona, Ga., military operations near, 143, 163
American Association for the Advancement of Science, 28 Americans, patriotism and courage among, 183
American soldier, the, business methods in his movements, 145; has a mind of his own, 155; manhood and valor of, 365, 366
Amnesty, the oath of, 375, 376
Anarchy, one of the causes of, 75
Annapolis, Md., Adm. Porter becomes superintendent of Naval Academy at, 439
Anthony, Mayor (of Leavenworth), in the Kansas-Missouri troubles, 79, 80, 84
‘Anti-slavery man,’ distinguished from ‘abolitionist,’ 74
Appalachicola River, the, Sherman's proposed movement on, 317
Arkansas, Fremont's plan of campaign in, 49; importance of combining with Missouri and Tennessee in a department, 60, 61; Confederate movements in, 61; the emancipation proclamation in, 75; reinforcements for Steele in, 85; S. reclaims all of, 90; raids into Missouri from, 101; Steele commanding in, 112; included in Division of the Gulf, 447
Arkansas River, the, Fremont's plan of campaign on, 49; Confederate movements on, 61; Union raid on, 63; proposed movements on, 70; its control secured, 70
Arlington, Va., burial of Sheridan at, 467
Army. See United States army.
Army of the Cumberland, the, its unwieldy size, 122, 139; in the Atlanta campaign, 123,129, 130; love for Thomas, 123, 239, 242; operations and dispositions in Tennessee, 166; Logan ordered to assume command, 239, 240; Thomas commanding, 275; dedicates the fields of Chickamauga and Chattanooga, 297; no opposition to S.'s promotion from, 297
Army of the Frontier, the, S. commanding, 61, 64, 65; Herron commanding, 64
Army of the Ohio, the, Gen. Foster relieved by S. in command of, 109, 110; condition at time of S.'s assuming command, 114; strength in the Atlanta campaign compared with other armies, 122; question of command, 239, 240
Army of the Potomac, the Ninth Corps ordered to join the, 116. See also Society of the army, etc.
Army of the Tennessee, the, proposed succession of McPherson to command of, 109; strength in the Atlanta campaign compared with other armies, 122; movement on the Sandtown Road, 136; a night visit to the camp of, 139; battle of Atlanta, 146-148; battle of Peachtree Creek, 232; its fighting days over, 343
Army of the West, the, disbanded, 40, 48; Fremont's plans for, 49
Army regulations, abuse of, 435, 436
Arnold (U. S. Marshal), in labor riots at Chicago, 498, 501
Articles of War, the 122d article, 151
Artillery, plan to increase the, 487
Artillery School, the, 459, 460
Astronomy, fascination of its study, 28, 29
Athens, Tenn., Stanley at, 319
Atlanta, Ga., incident in siege of, 142; advance on, movements before, siege and capture or, 143, 144, 146, 152 et seq., 163, 231, 247, 299, 303, 304, 310, 326, 341, 342; question of ‘making a lodgment in,’ 147,148; S.'s opinions on the tactics of July 22, 1864,148; movement before, Aug. 4-5, 1864, 148, 149; Johnston's plans of defense of, 153; Hood's defense of, 153, 154; Hood's abandonment of, 158, 159; an objective of the campaign, 160; political value of its capture, 160; Hood's raid on railroad in rear of, 161; Sherman moves from, 303, 322; proposal to abandon, 307, 308; held by Sherman, 316, 318, 338, 339; Sherman proposes to wreck, 316,318; burning of, 321; supplies at, 321; cutting through the South at, 337
Atlanta campaign, the, faults of Sherman's organization in, 122 et seq.; questions of rank in, 150, 151; S. requested [550] to write a critical history of, 162; Thomas's service in, 189; results of, 309; Sherman's tactics in, 340-343 Augusta, Ga., proposed destruction of, by Sherman, 317, 318, 333; Sherman's movement to, 332, 333, 337, 338
Austria, attitude in the Mexican affair, 385
Bank of South Carolina, effect of ‘brass’ on the cashier, 17
Baring Bros., 384
Bartlett, Miss, Harriet, married to S., 29
Bartlett, Prof. W. H. C., 26, 29, 74
Bates, Edward, U. S. Attorney-General, letter to S., Sept. 29, 1863, 93
Bayonet, the, superseded by the rifle, 145, 146
Bazaine, Marshal Francois A., occupation of Mexico, 391
Bean's Ferry, see Beard's Ferry.
Beard's Ferry, Tenn., proposal to obstruct roads at, 211
Beatty, Maj.-Gen., Samuel, in battle of Nashville, 263
Beauregard, Gen. Pierre G. T., possible movements by, 199, 311, 321, 322; Thomas's ability to defeat, 288; proposal that Thomas take the offensive against, 311, 312; westward movement, 321; proposed inveiglement of, across the Tennessee, 322
Benham, Capt., reports condition of Gen. Blunt's district, 93
‘Benicia,’ the, S. returns from Hawaii on, 431
Bennett's House, N. C., capitulation of Johnston at, 335, 351-353
Bentonville, N. C., battle of, 346 Bible, the inspiration of the, 8, 9