Abolitionism, 29-30, 72. First considerations in the South, 66.
Adams, James H., 182. John, 95. John Quincy, 219. Address to New York Historical Society, 162-63. Samuel, 104, 105, 165.
African servitude, 66-67, 262.
Alabama, 51. Ordinance of secession, 189.
“Alabama” (ship), 408.
Alexander, Capt. E., P. 308.
Allegiance, Division of, 154-55.
“American” party, 31, 32.
Anderson, Gen. C. C., 343-44, 413. Maj. Robert, 181, 184-85, 230, 233, 234, 235, 243, 249, 252. Instructions from U. S. War Department, 181-82. Dismantling of Fort Moultrie, 182. Letter protesting plan for relieving Fort Sumter, 243-44. Correspondence concerning evacuations, 246-48. Surrender of Fort Sumter, 253. Correspondence with Gov. Pickens concerning “Star of the West,” 538-39.
Annapolis Constitutional convention, 76. Recommendation to Congress, 76.
Archer, William S., 9.
“Argus” (Albany), Remarks on right of secession, 219.
Arkansas, 214. Reply of Gov. Rector to U. S. call for troops, 355.
Articles of Confederation, 4, 7, 24, 28, 82, 98, 102, 105, 115, 164. Second article, 75. Adoption, 1778, 75. Powers of Congress, 75, 143-44. Resolution of revision, 77. Instructions to delegates on revision, 77-80. Revision, 82-89. Maryland's action, 108. A compact, 115-16. Sovereignty of states asserted, 120, 122, 133. Administration of government, 164.
Atchison, Gen. D., 370.
Baker, Col., Edward, 377.
Ball, Armistead M., 271, 275-76, 406.
Ball's Bluff, Battle of, 377.
Baltimore Conflict between citizens and Federal troops, 288. Bridges destroyed, 288. Occupation by Federal troops, 289-91.
Bancroft, —, 99.
Banks, General, 290, 291, 389, 394. Procedure against Maryland, 290-92.
Barbour, James, 9. Philip P., 9.
Barksdale, Colonel, 376. Dr. Randolph, 329.
Barnwell, Robert W., 182, 206, 207.
Bartow, Colonel, 263, 310.
Bates, —, 231.
Beauregard, Gen. P. G. T., 233, 236, 295, 299, 300, 301,302, 303, 305, 306,307, 308, 309, 312, 315, 317, 382, 386, 387, 396. Dispatches from Confederate Commissioners at Washington, 238. Correspondence concerning bombardment of Fort Sumter, 244-49. Bombardment of Fort Sumter, 252-53. Conference with Davis, 312-13. Letters from Davis concerning Manassas, 317-18. Plan for Manassas and endorsement, 319-21. Letter from Davis concerning organization of troops by states, 385-86.
Beckham, Lieut., 325.
Bee, Gen., Barnard, 310.
Bell, John, 44, 45.
Belmont (Mo.), Battle of, 345-46.
Beltzhoover, —, 345.
Benjamin, Judah P., 391. Selected as Attorney-General (Confederacy), 207-09.
Berrien, —, 13-14.
Bethel Church, Battle of, 297.
Bigler, —, 58.
Bingham, S. K., 215.
Blair, Austin, 215. Col. F. P., 359, 364. Montgomery, 233-34, 238.
Bonham, Gen. M. L., 260,307, 308, 309.
Booneville, Battle of, 364.
Boston Memorial Presentation to Congress, 140. Extract on equality of states, 153.
Bragg, General, 350.
Breckinridge, John C., 43, 44, 45, 177, 342. Extracts from address to Kentuckians, 343-44.
[594] “Brierfield,” Warren Co., Miss., 197.
Brockenbrugh, John W. Delegate to Peace Congress, 214.
Brooklyn navy yard. Site ceded to Federal government by New York, 179.
Brown, Mayor of Baltimore, 288. Extract from report of conference with Lincoln, 289.
Brown, John, 27,36, 70.
Brown, Joseph E., Letter from Davis concerning conscription law, 434-39.
Brown, William J., 18.
Buchanan, James, Pres. of U. S., 31, 47, 48, 50, 51, 161, 181, 182, 183, 185, 186, 188, 212, 228-29, 233, 234, 355, 427.
Buckner, Gen. S. B., 342, 348, 350, 351.
Bull Run, Battle of, 300-321. Extracts from narrative of Gen. Early, 322-28. Extract from reminiscences of Col. Lay, 329.
Burke, Edmund, 107.
Burlamagui, —, 120, 121.
Burt, Colonel, 376, 377.
Butler, Gen. B. F. Occupation of Federal Hill in Baltimore, 289.
Cabell, Gen. W. L., 303, 329-30.
Cabot, George, 8, 60, 61, 63.
Calhoun, John C., 115, 131, 429. Death, 13. Extract from address in Senate, 47-48. Advocate of nullification, 190.
California, 33, 214. Admission, 9, 12, 18.
Cameron, Simon, 285.
Camp Jackson, Mo., 356-58.