‘Where bugles call and rifles gleam’: illustration for The volunteerThe men of the 74th New York Infantry, as they drill in their Camp of 1861, exemplify the martial splendor of Cutler's poem; nor was its hero animated by a more unflinching resolve than they. The regiment's record tells the story. It was organized in New York and till August 20th was stationed at Camp Scott, on Staten Island, as the fifth in Sickles' ‘Excelsior Brigade.’ Barely a month after Bull Run, the first overwhelming Federal defeat, this regiment was on its way to Washington. The fall of the year, as the picture shows, was spent in the constant marching and drilling by which McClellan forged that fighting instrument known to fame as the Army of the Potomac. The volunteers were indeed where bugles called and rifles gleamed, but they were impatient for service on the ‘great hot plain’ to hear the ‘dissonant cries of triumph and dismay.’ Marching about under the leafless trees over
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