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5. letter of General Sedgwick.

headquarters Sixth army corps Welford Ford, Dec. 16, 1863.

My Dear Townsend: There is a change proposed in the organization of this army — reducing the number of corps to three. Whether I am to be retained as one of the commanders, I do not know; but I write this to ask you, when the matter is brought up in Washington, to retain the number of this corps — the Sixth. It is entirely harmonious, and a great deal of esprit du corps is in it. I do not believe there is a regiment in it that would leave willingly. Another reason is — since its organization there has never been a regiment added or detached. This is not the case with the other corps. The Third has been made up of the odds and ends from several armies, and this is partly true of the First; and every corps (the Sixth excepted) has had several regiments assigned to it, from time to time.

I am afraid the First, Second, and Third will be retained, when I should like to see the Second, Third, and Sixth.

I am sure you will assist me in this matter, if in your power; at all events, I rely upon you in letting me know when the subject comes up.

Yours very truly,

John Sedgwick. Colonel E. D. Townsend, Assistant Adjutant-General.

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