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Doc. 188.-the attack on the Resolute.

Official reports.

United States steamer Yankee, off Aquia Creek, August 16, 1861.
sir: This morning, at about eleven o'clock, I despatched the steamers Resolute and Reliance to make a reconnoissance off Matthias Point. At about three P. M., the Resolute, Acting-Master Budd, returned to this anchorage and made this report, which is herewith enclosed. I have ordered Mr. Budd to proceed with his dead and wounded to the Navy Yard. Very respectfully, your obedient servant,

Thomas S. Craven, Commander, Commanding the Potomac Flotilla. Hon. Gideon Welles, Secretary of the Navy, Washington.

United States steamer Resolute, August 16, 1861.
sir: In obedience to your orders I proceeded down the river to make an examination of Matthias Point and the intermediate vicinity. Nothing indicating a hostile movement could be discovered at or about the Point. Hearing that a schooner was ashore at Lower Cedar Point I thought it advisable to go down to her and get her off if possible. A boat was seen on the Virginia shore a short distance this side of Persimmon Point, and I despatched an officer and live men in a boat for the purpose of capturing her. They had just reached her, and were in the act of making fast when a volley of musketry was fired from the adjoining bushes, not more than five or six yards distant, instantly killing three of the boat's crew and wounding another. I immediately opened fire, throwing shell into the cover that sheltered the enemy. After four or five rounds they were driven out, running in parties of three and four in different directions, some of them going into some dwelling-houses on the right. The survivors of the boat's crew succeeded in getting her off from the shore while I was firing. The Reliance coming up at this moment commenced throwing shell at the flying enemy, and also sent a boat to assist in getting my boat off. Nothing was left behind. My boat is completely riddled, particularly in the after part. The attacking party numbered about thirty. Lieut. Mygatt remained with his vessel in the vicinity until I could report to you. The following persons were killed and wounded:--Killed, John Fuller, master's mate; Geo. Seymour, seaman; Thos Tully, seaman. Wounded, Ernest Walton, seaman. The men who escaped state that the boat on the shore had two casks in her. We were unable to secure her. Very respectfully,

Wm. Budd, Commanding Resolute. To Capt. craven, Commanding Potomac Flotilla.

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