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[92] Veatch, Andrews, and Benton. The corps proceeded to Mobile, and it participated in the investment of that city, and in the storming of Fort Blakely, April 9, 1865, which was the last general engagement of the war.

The Thirteenth Corps then moved to Selma, Ala., and thence to Galveston, Texas. Its existence terminated officially on the 20th of July, 1865. The men of the Thirteenth never wore any corps badge; neither was there any badge designated in official orders for their use.

Fourteenth Corps.

The Fourteenth Corps was constituted under General Orders No. 168, Oct. 24, 1862, which directed that the troops in the Army of the Cumberland should be designated as the Fourteenth Corps, and that General Rosecrans be placed in command. These forces had hitherto been styled the Army of the Ohio, and had been under the command of General Buell. It had fought under him at Shiloh, and at Chaplin Hills, the latter battle occurring October 8th, just prior to the order designating this army as the Fourteenth Corps. At the time of the battle of Chaplin Hills, the Army of the Ohio had been divided, by order of General Buell, into the First, Second, and Third Corps, commanded respectively by Major-Generals McCook, Crittenden and Gilbert. Its losses at Chaplin Hills — or Perryville — aggregated 845 killed, 2,851 wounded, and 515 missing; total, 4.211. Over three-fourths of these casualties occurred in McCook's Corps, the loss in some of his regiments being unusually large.

The Fourteenth Corps, at the time when it was first designated as such, embraced twelve divisions, containing 155 regiments of infantry, 1 regiment of engineers, 35 batteries of light artillery, and 6 regiments of cavalry. There are no returns showing its numerical strength at this time; but, a return in December, 1862, shows an aggregate of 123,402, present and absent, with 66,795 present for duty.1

Like the Thirteenth Corps, which was also constituted by General Order 168, the Fourteenth embraced an entire army; and hence, like the Thirteenth, some further subdivision became necessary. On November 7th, General Rosecrans ordered that the corps be divided into the right wing, centre, and left wing, to the command of which, Major-Generals McCook, Thomas, and Crittenden were respectively assigned. The centre contained five divisions, while the right and left wings contained three divisions each. Three of the centre divisions were detached by General Rosecrans to protect his line of communications, and so the Fourteenth Corps took 8 divisions into action at Stone's River. The centre, under Thomas, was composed of Rousseau's and Negley's Divisions; the right wing, under McCook, of Davis', Johnson's, and Sheridan's Divisions; the left wing, under Crittenden, of Wood's, Palmer's, and Van Cleve's Divisions. Walker's Brigade of the Third Division, centre, was also present at Stone's River. These troops numbered 43,400 present for duty; the loss in that battle amounted to 1,730 killed, 7,802 wounded, and 3,717 captured or missing; total, 13,249. Over 25 per cent. were killed or wounded.

By authority of the War Department--General Order No. 9--January (9, 1803), the right wing, centre, and left wing of the Fourteenth Corps were designated respectively as the Twentieth, Fourteenth and Twenty-first Army Corps, the commanding officers remaining

1 Official Records, Vol. XX, Part II, p. 285.

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