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The opposing forces in the Seven days battles. June 25th--July 1st, 1862.

The composition, losses, and strength of each army as here stated give the gist of all the data obtainable in the Official Records. K stands for killed; w for wounded; m w for mortally wounded; m for captured or missing; c for captured.

The Union forces.

Army of the Potomac, Major-General George B. McClellan.
General headquarters: Provost Marshal's and Hdq'rs Guard, Brig.-Gen. Andrew Porter: 2d U. S. Cavalry (7 co's), and McClellan (Ill.) Dragoons (2 co's), Maj. Alfred Pleasonton; 93d N. Y. (4 co's), and Sturges (Ill.) Rifles, Maj. Granville O. Haller; 8th U. S. Inf. (2 co's), Capt. Royal T. Frank and Lieut. Eugene Carter. Escort: 4th U. 8. Cav. (2 co's), and Oneida (N. Y.) Cavalry, Capt. James B. McIntyre. Volunteer Engineer Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Daniel P. Woodbury: 15th N. Y., Col. J. McLeod Murphy; 50th N. Y., Col. Charles B. Stuart. Brigade loss: m, 12. Battalion U. S. Engineers, Capt. James C. Duane. Loss: w, 2; m, 9==11. Casey's Command (at White House), Brig.-Gen. Silas Casey: 4th Pa. Cav. (squadron), Capt. William Shorts; 11th Pa. Cav. (5 co's), Col. Josiah Harlan; F, 1st N. Y. Arty., Capt. Wm. R. Wilson; 93d N. Y. (6 co's), Col. Thos. F. Morris.

Second Corps, Brig.-Gen. E. V. Sumner. Staff loss: w, 1,

Cavalry: D, F, H, and K, 6th N. Y., Lieut.-Col. Duncan McVicar.

first division, Brig.-Gen. Israel B. Richardson.

First Brigade, Brig.-Gen. John C. Caldwell: 5th N. H., Lieut.-Col. Samuel G. Langley, Capt. Edward E,, Sturtevant; 7th N. Y., Col. George W. von Schack; 61st N. Y., Col. Francis C. Barlow; 81st Pa., Col. Charles F. Johnson (w), Lieut.-Col. Ell T. Conner (k), Maj. H. Boyd McKeen. Brigade loss: k, 61; w, 356; m, 137 == 554. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. Thomas F. Meagher, Col. Robert Nugent, Brig.-Gen. Thomas F. Meagher: 29th Mass., Col. Ebenezer W. Peirce (w), Lieut.-Col. Joseph H. Barnes; 63d N. Y., Col. John Burke (w), Lieut.-Col. Henry Fowler, Capt. Joseph O'Neill; 69th N. Y., Col. Robert Nugent; 88th N. Y., Col. Henry M. Baker, Maj. James Quinlan. Brigade loss: k, 34; w, 227, In, 232==493. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William H. French: 2d Del., Lieut.-Col. William P. Baily, Capt. D. L. Stricker; 52d N. Y., Col. Paul Frank; 57th N. Y., Col. Samuel K. Zook; 64th N. Y., Col. Thomas J. Parker; 66th N. Y., Col. Joseph C. Pinckney; 53d Pa., Col. John R. Brooke. Brigade loss: k, 3; w, 43; m, 162==208. Artillery, Capt. [314] George W. Hazzard (m w): B, 1st N. Y., Capt. Rufus D. Pettit; A and C, 4th U. S., Capt. George W. Hazzard, Lieut. Rufus King, Jr. Artillery loss: w, 19; m, 10==29.

Second division, Brig.-Gen. John Sedgwick.

First Brigade, Col. Alfred Sully: 15th Mass., Lieut.-Col. John W. Kimball; 1st Minn., Lieut.-Col. Stephen Miller; 1st Co. Mass. Sharp-shooters, Capt. John Saunders; 34th N. Y., Col. James A. Suiter; 82d N. Y., Col. Henry W. Hudson; 2d Co. Minn. Sharp-shooters, Capt. William F. Russell. Brigade loss: k, 12; w, 82; in, 152==246. Second Brigade, Brig.-Gen. William W. Burns (w): 69th Pa., Col. Joshua T. Owen; 71st Pa., Lieut.-Col. William G. Jones; 72d Pa., Col. De Witt C. Baxter; 106th Pa., Col. Turner G. Morehead. Brigade loss: k, 40; w, 193; m, 172==405. Third Brigade, Brig.-Gen. N. J. T. Dana: 19th Mass., Col. Edward W. Hinks (w), Capt. Edmund Rice, Lieut.-Col. Arthur F. Devereux; 20th Mass., Col. William R. Lee; 7th Mich., Col. Ira R. Grosvenor; 42d N. Y., Col. Edmund C. Charles (w and c), Lieut.-Col. James J. Mooney. Brigade loss: k, 51; w, 262; m, 153==466. Artillery, Col. Charles H. Tompkins: A, 1st R. I., Capt. John A. Tompkins; I, 1st U. S., Lieut. Edmund Kirby. Artillery loss: w, 12; m, 4==16.

reserve artillery: G, 1st N. Y., Capt. John B. Frank; B, 1st R. I., Capt. Walter O. Bartlett; G, 1st R. I., Capt. Charles D. Owen. Reserve artillery loss: w, 6; m, 2==8.

Third Corps, Brig.-Gen. S. P. Heintzelman. Cavalry: 3d Pa., Col. William W. Averell. Loss: k, 6; w, 2; mi, 3==11.

Second division, Brig.-Gen. Joseph Hooker.

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Daniel H. Hill (3)
R. H. Cunningham (3)
Henry A. Wise (2)
Charles J. Whiting (2)
Stephen H. Weed (2)
David Watson (2)
E. T. H. Warren (2)
James A. Walker (2)
Edward L. Thomas (2)
C. C. Tew (2)
J. R. Sturges (2)
James E. B. Stuart (2)
William E. Starke (2)
Leroy A. Stafford (2)
Seneca G. Simmons (2)
Truman Seymour (2)
Isaac G. Seymour (2)
R. Biddle Roberts (2)
Robert Nugent (2)
John B. Moseley (2)
Thomas F. Meagher (2)
Lafayette McLaws (2)
George B. McClellan (2)
L. Masters (2)
Van H. Manning (2)
J. B. Magruder (2)
Albert L. Magilton (2)
Charles S. Lovell (2)
James L. Kemper (2)
William G. Jones (2)
J. R. Jones (2)
B. H. Jones (2)
Micah Jenkins (2)
Conrad Feger Jackson (2)
Eppa Hunton (2)
Frank Huger (2)
Benjamin Huger (2)
William R. Holmes (2)
Theophilus H. Holmes (2)
Ambrose P. Hill (2)
William A. Henry (2)
George W. Hazzard (2)
John B. Gordon (2)
Richard S. Ewell (2)
Howell Cobb (2)
J. Howard Carlisle (2)
James Brady (2)
William Barksdale (2)
Romeyn B. Ayres (2)
George L. Andrews (2)
Richard H. Anderson (2)
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Z. York (1)
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R. A. Turnipseed (1)
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Charles H. Tompkins (1)
H. B. Tomlin (1)
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Elijah D. Taft (1)
George Sykes (1)
Jacob B. Sweitzer (1)
Edwin V. Sumner (1)
J. C. Summers (1)
Alfred Sully (1)
James A. Suiter (1)
Sturtevant (1)
William D. Stuart (1)
Charles B. Stuart (1)
David L. Stricker (1)
Robert M. Stribling (1)
Edwin H. Stoughton (1)
Roy Stone (1)
J. M. Stone (1)
M. S. Stokes (1)
T. B. W. Stockton (1)
W. H. Stiles (1)
Charles D. Stiles (1)
Ambrose A. Stevens (1)
Phineas Staunton (1)
Alonzo Snow (1)
William F. Smith (1)
William Smith (1)
T. J. Smith (1)
Robert A. Smith (1)
Levi B. Smith (1)
G. C. Smith (1)
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John R. Smead (1)
Henry W. Slocum (1)
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Robert (1)
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A. Burnet Rhett (1)
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Peter C. Regan (1)
Official Records (1)
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John G. Read (1)
Alexander Raszewski (1)
M. W. Ranson (1)
Robert Ransom (1)
James A. Raney (1)
John M. Randolph (1)
George E. Randolph (1)
Alanson M. Randol (1)
John Ramsey (1)
S. D. Ramseur (1)
A. T. Rainey (1)
James Quinlan (1)
Roger A. Pryor (1)
John V. Price (1)
Calvin E. Pratt (1)
Carnot Posey (1)
Josiah Porter (1)
Fitz John Porter (1)
Daniel S. Porter (1)
Andrew Porter (1)
William T. Poague (1)
Alfred Pleasonton (1)
Edward R. Platt (1)
Harris M. Plaisted (1)
Joseph C. Pinckney (1)
Byron R. Pierce (1)
George E. Pickett (1)
O. C. Petway (1)
Rufus D. Pettit (1)
Edward R. Petherbridge (1)
E. A. Perry (1)
David B. Penn (1)
William N. Pendleton (1)
Edmund Pendleton (1)
William D. Pender (1)
John Pelham (1)
Ebenezer W. Peirce (1)
C. C. Pegues (1)
W. J. Pegram (1)
John J. Peck (1)
W. T. Patton (1)
L. J. Parr (1)
Thomas J. Parker (1)
Francis M. Parker (1)
William A. Parham (1)
Innis N. Palmer (1)
T. Jefferson Page (1)
R. C. M. Page (1)
P. R. Page (1)
Joshua T. Owen (1)
Charles D. Owen (1)
K. Otey (1)
E. A. Osborne (1)
Thomas W. Osborn (1)
William A. Olmsted (1)
Joseph O'Neill (1)
E. A. O'Neal (1)
John O'Farrell (1)
John D. O'Connell (1)
J. T. Norwood (1)
G. F. Norton (1)
M. Nolan (1)
R. B. Nisbet (1)
John W. Nields (1)
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J. M. Newton (1)
David J. Nevin (1)
William Nelson (1)
G. W. Nelson (1)
Thomas H. Neill (1)
John F. Neff (1)
James D. Nance (1)
Joseph E. Nairn (1)
Henry M. Naglee (1)
George R. Myers (1)
J. McLeod Murphy (1)
Thomas T. Munford (1)
John Mullins (1)
Thaddeus P. Mott (1)
Gershom Mott (1)
Thomas F. Morris (1)
Charles H. Morgan (1)
George W. Morell (1)
Turner G. Morehead (1)
J. H. Morehead (1)
M. N. Moorman (1)
J. V. Moore (1)
James J. Mooney (1)
George V. Moody (1)
John B. Monroe (1)
Charles E. Mink (1)
William T. Millican (1)
Theodore Miller (1)
Stephen Miller (1)
Ozro Miller (1)
John Milledge (1)
John C. Meginnis (1)
Gaston Meares (1)
George G. Meade (1)
George A. Meacham (1)
Duncan McVicar (1)
Andrew T. McReynolds (1)
D. K. McRae (1)
James McQuade (1)
Robert McMillan (1)
K. McLemore (1)
John W. McLane (1)
James McKnight (1)
Amor A. McKnight (1)
H. Boyd McKeen (1)
James B. McKean (1)
James B. McIntyre (1)
William M. Mcintosh (1)
D. G. McIntosh (1)
Samuel McGowan (1)
Kennon McElroy (1)
John S. McElroy (1)
James McD (1)
Jeremiah McCarthy (1)
Edward S. McCarthy (1)
William McCandless (1)
George A. McCall (1)
Joseph H. McArthur (1)
Robert McAllister (1)
Robert M. Mayo (1)
Charles W. May (1)
Victor Maurin (1)
C. S. Mattison (1)
Roderick Matheson (1)
Edwin C. Mason (1)
John H. Martindale (1)
William T. Martin (1)
William Martin (1)
R. W. Martin (1)
Augustus P. Martin (1)
Gilman Marston (1)
John Marshall (1)
J. Foster Marshall (1)
Elisha G. Marshall (1)
Basil C. Manly (1)
Francis Mallory (1)
William Mahone (1)
John Bankhead Magruder (1)
William J. Magill (1)
William H. Luse (1)
William Luffman (1)
Nathan Lord (1)
John S. Long (1)
La Rhett L. Livingston (1)
W. H. Lilly (1)
P. F. Liddell (1)
B. W. Leigh (1)
Theodore F. Lehmann (1)
William Raymond Lee (1)
W. H. F. Lee (1)
Stephen D. Lee (1)
Robert E. Lee (1)
Fitzhugh Lee (1)
Charles C. Lee (1)
Alexander R. Lawton (1)
E. McIver Law (1)
Henry S. Lansing (1)
Samuel G. Langley (1)
John Lane (1)
James H. Lane (1)
A. J. Lane (1)
Daniel S. Lamson (1)
L. M. Lamar (1)
John H. Lamar (1)
John Knieriem (1)
Thomas J. Kirkpatrick (1)
W. W. Kirkland (1)
James T. Kirk (1)
Edmund Kirby (1)
Henry W. Kingsbury (1)
Rufus King (1)
J. H. King (1)
John W. Kimball (1)
Erasmus D. Keyes (1)
Joseph B. Kershaw (1)
Mark Kerns (1)
James Kent (1)
John D. Kennedy (1)
T. S. Kenan (1)
Henry B. Kelly (1)
Philip Kearny (1)
August V. Kautz (1)
R. H. Jones (1)
John R. Jones (1)
Hilary P. Jones (1)
David R. Jones (1)
William A. Johnston (1)
Thomas C. Johnson (1)
Marmaduke Johnson (1)
J. C. Johnson (1)
Charles F. Johnson (1)
Bradley T. Johnson (1)
Fitz John (1)
Waddy T. James (1)
Thomas J. Jackson (1)
Nathaniel J. Jackson (1)
Andrew Jackson (1)
Alfred Iverson (1)
William H. Irwin (1)
John B. Hyde (1)
T. G. Hunt (1)
Henry J. Hunt (1)
Benjamin G. Humphreys (1)
William Humphrey (1)
James C. Hull (1)
Henry W. Hudson (1)
Charles T. Huckstep (1)
Henry M. Hoyt (1)
E. W. Hoyle (1)
Joseph Howland (1)
Joshua B. Howell (1)
Albion P. Howe (1)
T. W. Hooper (1)
Joseph Hooker (1)
John B. Hood (1)
Willis C. Holt (1)
Thomas Holt (1)
W. D. Holder (1)
William J. Hoke (1)
Robert F. Hoke (1)
John S. Hoffman (1)
James G. Hodges (1)
E. L. Hobson (1)
Edward W. Hinks (1)
Robert C. Hill (1)
J. L. Hill (1)
A. P. Hill (1)
John C. Higginbotham (1)
William Hexamer (1)
Thomas Hendrickson (1)
John W. Henagan (1)
Samuel P. Heintzelman (1)
William S. Heath (1)
S. Z. Hearnsberger (1)
James Hearing (1)
Edward Graham Haywood (1)
William Hays (1)
George S. Hays (1)
Alexander Hays (1)
Samuel B. Hayman (1)
Elisha B. Harvey (1)
James F. Hart (1)
Henry V. Hart (1)
A. T. Harrison (1)
Josiah Harlan (1)
Thomas Hardeman (1)
R. A. Hardaway (1)
Winfield S. Hancock (1)
Wade Hampton (1)
S. P. Hamilton (1)
D. H. Hamilton (1)
Joseph H. Ham (1)
Granville O. Haller (1)
George B. Hall (1)
E. D. Hall (1)
Stephen F. Hale (1)
Peter Hairston (1)
Gustavus (1)
Patrick R. Guiney (1)
Cuvier Grover (1)
Ira R. Grosvenor (1)
Edward Grimm (1)
Carey F. Grimes (1)
A. J. Grigsby (1)
Richard Griffith (1)
Thomas M. Griffin (1)
Charles Griffin (1)
William N. Grier (1)
Maxcy Gregg (1)
David McM. Gregg (1)
Robert H. Gray (1)
Lewis A. Grant (1)
Edward Graham (1)
Charles K. Graham (1)
A. S. Graaf (1)
Jesse A. Gove (1)
John M. Gosline (1)
James B. Gordon (1)
Edward A. Goodwyn (1)
John F. Goodner (1)
Thomas F. Goode (1)
Shepard Gleason (1)
James S. Gilliam (1)
Edwin S. Gilbert (1)
William Gibson (1)
Horatio G. Gibson (1)
George W. Getty (1)
George (1)
B. B. Gayle (1)
M. W. Gary (1)
John J. Garnett (1)
Samuel Garland (1)
Thomas F. Gallagher (1)
Franklin Gaillard (1)
Samuel V. Fulkerson (1)
C. W. Fry (1)
Birkett D. Fry (1)
William H. French (1)
David A. French (1)
William B. Franklin (1)
Royal T. Frank (1)
Paul Frank (1)
John B. Frank (1)
Henry Fowler (1)
Charles Forsyth (1)
W. A. Forbes (1)
Robert W. Folsom (1)
Lancey Floyd (1)
Edward H. Flood (1)
Butler Fitch (1)
Joseph W. Fisher (1)
John C. Fiser (1)
George Field (1)
Charles W. Field (1)
Winfield S. Featherston (1)
Judson S. Farrer (1)
John F. Farnsworth (1)
Enrico Fardella (1)
Franklin J. Faison (1)
James Fairman (1)
John D. Fairbanks (1)
C. A. Evans (1)
William H. Emory (1)
Arnold Elzey (1)
Elijah (1)
Samuel S. Elder (1)
Thomas W. Egan (1)
John Edwards (1)
E. Edwards (1)
Clark S. Edwards (1)
Edward (1)
E. C. Edmonds (1)
Eben (1)
Hezekiah Easton (1)
Jubal A. Early (1)
Kin S. Dygert (1)
Garrett Dyckman (1)
Hiram Duryea (1)
Charles Durkee (1)
R. T. W. Duke (1)
James C. Duane (1)
L. T. Doyal (1)
Henry A. Dowd (1)
Marcellus Douglass (1)
Alfred A. Donalds (1)
George Doles (1)
John A. Dix (1)
Louis Dillman (1)
Otto Diederichs (1)
Arthur F. Devereux (1)
Jacob L. Detrich (1)
James Deshler (1)
De (1)
George O. Dawson (1)
J. Lucius Davis (1)
John W. Davidson (1)
Greenlee Davidson (1)
Delozier Davidson (1)
David (1)
Junius Daniel (1)
Napoleon J. T. Dana (1)
W. J. Dabney (1)
A. S. Cutts (1)
John Cuthbertson (1)
John B. Cumming (1)
Alfred Cumming (1)
Nelson Cross (1)
J. Critcher (1)
William G. Crenshaw (1)
M. D. Craton (1)
Calvin A. Craig (1)
Robert Cowdin (1)
Robert H. Cowan (1)
Andrew Cowan (1)
A. R. Courtney (1)
Darius N. Couch (1)
Montgomery D. Corse (1)
William W. Corbet (1)
G. Coppens (1)
James H. Cooper (1)
Philip St. George Cooke (1)
John R. Cooke (1)
James Conner (1)
Ell T. Conner (1)
Alfred H. Colquitt (1)
Joseph B. Collins (1)
Lewis M. Coleman (1)
John A. Coke (1)
Thomas R. R. Cobb (1)
Norvell Cobb (1)
Amasa Cobb (1)
William I. Clopton (1)
Henry B. Clitz (1)
William J. Clarke (1)
P. H. Clark (1)
Daniel H. Christie (1)
Jonathan W. Childs (1)
James H. Childs (1)
Edmund C. Charles (1)
William H. Chapman (1)
William Chapman (1)
F. W. Chamberlayne (1)
Thomas Cass (1)
William H. Caskie (1)
Thomas H. Carter (1)
J. W. Carter (1)
Eugene Carter (1)
Henry A. Carrington (1)
Joseph B. Carr (1)
John C. Carpenter (1)
George H. Carmical (1)
Henry H. Carlton (1)
James Cantey (1)
Reuben P. Campbell (1)
Hugh S. Campbell (1)
John H. Caldwell (1)
John C. Caldwell (1)
Henry L. Cake (1)
William P. Bynum (1)
Daniel Butterfield (1)
Edgar M. Butt (1)
Edwin Burt (1)
Edgar Burroughs (1)
William W. Burns (1)
Hiram Burnham (1)
John Burke (1)
Samuel L. Buck (1)
Robert C. Buchanan (1)
Goode Bryan (1)
William L. Brown (1)
Ridgely Brown (1)
James S. Brown (1)
J. Thompson Brown (1)
Henry W. Brown (1)
Hamilton A. Brown (1)
William C. F. Brooks (1)
W. T. H. Brooks (1)
John R. Brooke (1)
W. N. Bronaugh (1)
J. M. Brockenbrough (1)
J. B. Brockenbrough (1)
T. H. Brem (1)
Carter M. Braxton (1)
John Bratton (1)
W. L. Brandon (1)
L. O'B. Branch (1)
James R. Branch (1)
Walter M. Bramhall (1)
Lawson Botts (1)
J. W. Bondurant (1)
Adolphus F. Bond (1)
Matthew M. Blunt (1)
G. A. H. Blake (1)
William Blaisdell (1)
James Ap Blackshear (1)
Samuel W. Black (1)
David B. Birney (1)
Daniel D. Bidwell (1)
Emory F. Best (1)
Hiram G. Berry (1)
Hiram Berdan (1)
Henry Benson (1)
Henry L. Benning (1)
John E. Bendix (1)
Jonathan S. Belknap (1)
John W. Beck (1)
John E. Beam (1)
William S. T. Baylor (1)
De Witt C. Baxter (1)
William H. Battey (1)
Frederick Barton (1)
Walter O. Bartlett (1)
Joseph J. Bartlett (1)
Henry C. Bartlett (1)
Joseph H. Barnes (1)
James Barnes (1)
Dixon Barnes (1)
Francis C. Barlow (1)
William M. Barbour (1)
W. L. Balthis (1)
John F. Ballier (1)
B. G. Baldwin (1)
Lawrence S. Baker (1)
Henry M. Baker (1)
D. W. Baine (1)
William P. Baily (1)
William K. Bachman (1)
Richard A. Bachia (1)
William R. Aylett (1)
I. E. Avery (1)
William W. Averell (1)
T. P. August (1)
E. N. Atkinson (1)
Albert Arndt (1)
Lewis A. Armistead (1)
James J. Archer (1)
W. G. Andrews (1)
R. Snowden Andrews (1)
Joseph R. Anderson (1)
Hiram Anderson (1)
George T. Anderson (1)
George B. Anderson (1)
Edwin J. Anderson (1)
John J. Ancell (1)
Frank P. Amsden (1)
Adelbert Ames (1)
William E. Alley (1)
Robert C. Allen (1)
J. W. Allen (1)
D. Wyatt Aiken (1)
Alexander D. Adams (1)
John J. Abercrombie (1)
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1009 AD (2)
1885 AD (1)
July 1st, 1862 AD (1)
June 20th, 186 AD (1)
1511 AD (1)
1400 AD (1)
1153 AD (1)
1078 AD (1)
1055 AD (1)
July 1st (1)
June 29th (1)
June 25th (1)
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