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2. Of Apamea, a distinguished sophist, the head for some time of the school of Plotinus, was a disciple of Iamblichus, after whose death (before A. D. 330), he went to Constantinople, where he enjoyed the favour and personal friendship of Constantine, who afterwards, however, put him to death, from the motive, as was alleged, of giving a proof of the sincerity of his own conversion to Christianity (Sozom. H. E. 1.5; comp. the note of Valesius ; Suid. s. v.). Eunapius, who gives a fuller account of the matter (Vit. Aedes. pp. 36, 37, 41), and Zosimus (2.40) ascribe his death to the machinations of Ablabius; and, according to the former writer, the pretext for his condemnation was the charge that he detained by magical arts a fleet laden with corn, of which Constantinople was in the utmost want. The time of his death must have been between A. D. 330 and 337. (Clinton, Fast. Rom. s. a. 312, 326, 330.) The only works ascribed to him by Suidas are, one On Prudence (Περὶ Προνοίας), and another On Persons who are undeservedly Fortunate or Unfortunate (περὶ τῶν παρὰ τὴν ἀξίαν εὐπραγούντων δυσπραγούντων). There are, however, several other writings, grammatical, and of miscellaneous information, under the name of Sopater, but the best critics ascribe these to a younger Sopater, of Apamea or Alexandria, whom Suidas distinguishes, and, as they suppose, rightly so, from the philosopher of the time of Constantine. Whether this view is correct can hardly be determined with certainty.

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330 AD (1)
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