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Soon after the oligarchical party at Argos induces the Argives to relinquish their previous alliances and make an alliance with Sparta.

πρῶτον: pred. agreeing with λόγον. πρῶτον is in contradistinction to μετὰ δὲ τοῦτο κτἑ. in 3.

ἐπιμιξίας: cf. c. 35. 3.

παρ᾽ ἀλλήλους: const. with ἐπιμιξίας οὔσης, as with the verb ἐπιμίσγειν in i. 13. 19.—ἔπραξαν: aor. This expresses the result of πράσσοντες in c. 76. 15.

σπονδὰς καὶ ξυμμαχίαν: see App. on c. 27. 2. The same reading must be adopted in c. 79. 2 and 80. 1.

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