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Third exercise (Livy 1.24.2)

[The Alban and Roman kings have proposed that the war between the two peoples shall be settled by a battle between the Horatii and Curiatii.]

Nihil recusatur. Tempus et locus convenit. PriusquamWhat ideas may one have in mind when he writes antequam or priusquam, and by what mode will these ideas be respectively expressed? He may mean to give the idea of an act anticipatedi.e., looked forward to from the time of the act of the main clauseby some person mentioned in that sentence; and he will express this by the idea-mode, the subjunctive. Or he may mean to state the actual occurrence of an event, as a boundary point beyond which the main event took place; and he will express this by the fact-mode, the indicative. In the light of the situation, which of the two ideas is it more probable that Livy is going to express? The former. dimicarent, foedus ictumIs anything sure yet about the case of foedus, or the part of speech of ictum? No. inter Romanos et Albanos est hisWhat should be kept in mind as possibilities for all demonstrative pronominal words, like is, hic, ille, ita, etc.? That they look backward to something already mentioned, or forward to something which is yet to be mentioned. Which is the case here? The latter. legibusWhat construction do you think is coming? A substantive final clause, telling what the his legibus were. , ut cuiusIn general, what have we found to be the two possibilities when one meets the combination of ut and the relative? Either (1) that ut is the conjunction, and the qui-clause looks forward to an antecedent to be given laterin the ut-clause; or (2) that ut is the adverb, the qui looking backward, and the relative statement forming a characterizing clause which stands in a causal relation to the main clause. Bearing in mind his legibus, which of the two possible meanings of the combination ut cuius do you suppose to have been in Livy's mind in this particular case? The former. populi civesProbable meaning of case of populi? Possessive, depending on cives. eo certamine vicissentMeaning of tense? Future perfect from a past point of view. is alteriProbable nature of combination? Subject and indirect object. Differs how in meaning from alius? Refers to the one other out of two, while alius means another out of any number. populo cum bona pace --- Surmise, if possible, what the final verb is; and at any rate tell where it must be made. Imperfect subjunctive; imperaret (imperaret is likely to be written rather than Livy's frequentative imperitaret; but the word is admissible). Translate.

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    • Livy, The History of Rome, Book 1, 24.2
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