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TIUS or TIUM (Τίος or Τίον: Eth. Τιανός), a town on the coast of Bithynia, or, according to others, belonging to Paphlagonia. It was a Greek town situated at the mouth of the river Billaeus, and seems to have belonged to Paphlagonia until Prusias annexed it to Bithynia. (Memnon, 17--19; Pomp. Mela, 1.19; Marcian, p. 70; Arrian, Peripl. P. E. p. 14; Anon. Peripl. P. E. p. 2.) In Strabo's (xii. pp. 542, 543, 565) time, Tius was only a small place but remarkable as the birthplace of Philetaerus, the founder of the royal dynasty of Pergamum. (Comp. Plin. Nat. 6.1.) There are coins of Tius as late as the reign of Gallienus, on which the ethnic name appears as Τιανοί, Τεῖοι, and Τειανοί. (Sestini, p. 71; Eckhel, ii. p. 438.)


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