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PHA´CIUM (Φάκιον: Eth. Φακιεύς), a town of Thessaly, in the district Pelasgiotis, placed by Leake a little below the right bank of the Peneius at Alifaka, but by Kiepert upon the left bank. Brasidas marched through Phacium in B.C. 424. (Thuc. 4.78.) The town was laid waste by Philip, B.C. 198 (Liv. 32.13), and was occupied by the Roman praetor Baebius in the war with Antiochus, B.C. 191. (Liv. 36.13.) Phacium is probably the same place as Phacus, which Polybius (31.25) calls a town of Macedonia. (Comp. Steph. B. sub voce Leake, Northern Greece, vol. iv. p. 493.)

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