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MUNDA (Μούνδα).


An important town of Hispania Baetica, and a Roman, colony belonging to the conventus of Astigi. (Strab. iii. p.141 ; Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3.) Strabo (l.c.) says that it is 1400 stadia from Carteia. It was celebrated on account of two battles fought in its vicinity, the first in B.C. 216, when Cn. Scipio defeated the Carthaginians (Liv. 24.42; Sil. Ital. 3.400), and the second in B.C. 45, when Julius Caesar gained a victory over the sons of Pompey. (D. C. 43.39; Auct. Bell. Hisp. 30, seq.; Strab. iii. pp. 141, 160; Flor. 4.2; V. Max. 7.6.) It was taken by one of Caesar's generals, and, according to Pliny, from that time it ceased to exist. ( “Fuit Munda cum Pompei filio rapta,” Plin. Nat. 3.1. s. 3.) But this cannot be correct, as Strabo (l.c.) describes it as an important place in his time. It is usually identified with the village of Monda, SW. of Malaga; but it has been pointed out that in the vicinity of the modern Monda, there is no plain adapted for a field of battle, and that the ancient city should probably be placed near Cordova. It has been supposed that the site of Munda is indicated by the remains of ancient walls and towers lying between Martos, Alcaudete, Espejo, and Bœna. At all events this site agrees better with the statement of Strabo, that Munda is 1400 stadia from Carteia, for the distance from the modern Monda to the latter place is only 400 stadia; and it is also more in accordance with Pliny, who places Munda between Attubi and Urso. (Forbiger, vol. iii. p. 51.)


A town of the Celtiberi in Hispania Tarraconensis, probably near the frontiers of the Carpetani. (Liv. xl., 47.)


A river on the W. coast of Lusitania, falling into the sea between the Tagus and Durius, now the Mondego. (Plin. Nat. 4.21. s. 35 ; Μούνδας, Strab. iii. p.153; Μόνδας, Ptol. 2.5.4; Marc. p. 43.)

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