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LYSTRA (Λύστρα , or τά), a town of Lycaonia or Isauria, which is mentioned by Pliny (5.42: Eth. Lystreni) and Ptolemy (5.4.12), and repeatedly in the New Testament History. (Acts, 14.8, 21; Timoth. 3.11; comp. Hierocl. p. 675.) A bishop of Lystra was present at the Council of Chalcedon. Leake (Asia Minor, p. 102) is inclined to place the town at Khatoun Seraï, about 30 miles south of Iconium; but Hamilton (Researches, vol. ii. p. 313), with more appearance of probability, identifies its site with the ruins of Kaadagh, which are generally believed to be the remains of Derbe.


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