CAMBO´NUM a place in Gallia, mentioned in the Jerusalem Itin., on the road from Civitas Valentia (Valence), through Civitas Vocontiorum (Die), to Mansio Vapincum (Gap). The route is very particularly described. From Die it goes to Mansio Luco (Luc), then to Mutatio Vologatis (Vaugelas); then the Gaura Mons is ascended, and the traveller comes to Mutatio Cambonum; the next station beyond Cambonum is Mons Seleucus (Saléon). Walckenaer (vol. iii. p. 46) places Cambonum at La Combe, to the south of Montclus. D'Anville did not venture to assign a site for Cambonum; but if the road has been well examined, the place ought not to be doubtful.[G.L]