AMPHRY´SUS (Ἄμφρυσος).
A town of Phocis. See AMBRYSUS
A small river in Thessaly, rising in Mt. Others and flowing near Alus into the Pagasaean gulf. It is celebrated in mythology as the river on the banks of which Apollo fed the flocks of king Admetus. (Strab. pp. 433, 435; Apollon. 1.54; Verg. G. 3.2; Ov. Met. 1.580, 7.229; Leake Northern Greece, vol. iv. p. 337.) Hence the adjective Amphrysius is used in reference to Apollo. Thus Virgil (Aen. 6.398) calls the Sibyl Amphrysia vates. Statius (Stat. Silv. 1.4. 105) uses the adjective Amphrysiacus in the same sense.