(Ζήτης) and Calăis (Κάλαϊς). The sons of Boreas and Orithyia, frequently called the Boreadae, are mentioned among the Argonauts, and are described as winged beings (Pyth. iv. 325; Ap. Rh. i. 219). Their sister, Cleopatra , who was married to Phineus, king of Salmydessus, had been thrown with her sons into prison by Phineus at the instigation of his second wife. Here she was found by Zetes and Calaïs, when they arrived at Salmydessus in the Argonautic expedition. They liberated their sister and her children, gave the kingdom to the latter, and sent the second wife of Phineus to her own country, Scythia (Diod.iv. 44). Other accounts relate that the Boreadae delivered Phineus from the Harpies; for it had been foretold that the Harpies might be killed by the sons of Boreas, but that the sons of Boreas must die if they should not be able to overtake the Harpies (Apollod. i.9.21). Others, again, state that the Boreadae perished in their pursuit of the Harpies, or that Heracles killed them with his arrows near the island of Tenos (Hyg. Fab. 14). Their tombs were said to be in Tenos, adorned with sepulchral stelae, one of which moved whenever the wind blew from the north. Calaïs is also mentioned as the founder of the Campanian town of Cales (Sil. It. viii. 515). See Harpyiae.