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stĕrĭlis , e (collat. form,
I.acc. sing. fem sterilam sterilem, Fest. p. 316 Müll.; neutr. plur. sterila, Lucr. 2, 845; abl. sterile, Apic. 7, 1, § 258), adj. Gr. στερεός, hard; στερίφη, στεῖρα, barren; Sanscr. starī, vacca sterilis, unfruitful, barren, sterile, of plants and animals (class. and very freq.; “syn infecundus): steriles nascuntur avenae,Verg. E. 5, 37; so, “ulvae,Ov. M. 4, 299: “herba,id. Am. 3, 7, 31; Curt. 4, 1, 21: “platani,Verg. G. 2, 70: “agri,id. ib. 1, 84; id. A. 3, 141: “tellus,Ov. M. 8, 789: “palus,Hor. A. P. 65: “harena,Verg. G. 1, 70: “humus,Prop. 3, 2 (2, 11), 2; Curt. 7, 5, 34: “solum,id. 3, 4, 3: “steriles nimium crasso sunt semine,Lucr. 4, 1240; Cat. 67, 26: “galli Tanagric' ad partus sunt steriliores,Varr. R. R. 3, 9, 6: “vacca,Verg. A. 6, 251: “multae (mulie res),Lucr. 4, 1251: “viri,” i. e. eunuchs, Cat. 63, 69; Plin. 24, 10, 47, § 78; Mart. 9, 9, 8: “ova,Plin. 10, 60, 80, § 166.—
B. Transf. (mostly poet. and in post-Aug. prose; not in Cic.).
1. Of things, causing unfruitfulness or sterility: “rubigo,Hor. C. 3, 23, 6: “frigus,Luc. 4, 108: “hiems,Mart. 8, 68, 10: “serere pampinariis sterile est,produces sterility, Plin. 17, 21, 35, § 157.—
2. In gen., barren, bare, empty: “manus,Plaut. Truc. 1, 2, 3: “sterilis amator a datis,bare of gifts, id. ib. 2, 1, 30: “amicus,Juv. 12, 97; Mart. 10, 18, 3: “epistulae,Plin. Ep. 5, 2, 2: “saeculum,id. ib. 5, 17, 6: “civitas ad aquas,App. M. 1, p. 106 fin.: “vadum,Sen. Thyest. 173: “corpora sonitu (with jejuna succo),that yield no sound, Lucr. 2, 845: “prospectus,without human beings, Plaut. Mil. 3, 1, 15: “domus,without children, Prop. 4 (5), 11, 62.nummi,that do not bear interest, Dig. 22, 1, 7.—With gen.: “sterilis laurus baccarum,Plin. 15, 30, 39, § 130: “lapides plumbi,id. 33, 7, 40, § 119.—
II. Trop., unproductive, unprofitable, fruitless, useless, vain: “Februarius,Cic. Q. Fr. 2, 12, 2: “quod monumentum, quod immo temporis punctum, aut beneficio sterile, aut vacuum laude?Plin. Pan. 56, 2: “ne sit sterile et effetum (saeculum),id. Ep. 5, 17, 6: “fama (with cassa),Stat. Th. 6, 70: “labor,Mart. 10, 58, 8: “pax,Tac. A. 1, 17: “amor,” i. e. unreturned, unrequited, Ov. M. 1, 496; Stat. S. 3, 4, 42: “cathedrae,unprofitable, Mart. 1, 76, 14; Juv. 7, 203: “litus sterili versamus aratro,id. 7, 49.—With gen., destitute, deprived of, unacquainted with: “urbes talium studiorum fuere steriles,Vell. 1, 18 fin.: “non adeo virtutum sterile saeculum,Tac. H. 1, 3: “heu steriles veri!Pers. 5, 75.
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