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palmĕs , ĭtis, m. 1. palma, II. E.,
I.a young branch or shoot of a vine, a vinesprig, vine-sprout (syn. pampinus).
II. Transf.
A. A vine; a vineyard: “Icario nemorosus palmite Gaurus,Stat. S. 3, 1, 147; Mart. 8, 40, 1.—
B. In gen., a bough, branch: “crudus arboris,Luc. 4, 317: “palmites arborum,Curt. 4, 3, 10 (where Mützell reads palmas); Plin. 13, 4, 7, § 30: “opaco palmite bacae,Claud. Nupt. Hon. 217.
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