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mūnĕrārĭus , a, um id..
I. Of or belonging to a gift, Cassiod. Var. 6, 7.—
II. Of or belonging to gladiatorial exhibitions (a word first used by Augustus, acc. to Quint. 8, 3, 34).
A. Adj.: libellus, Trebell. Claud. 5, 5.—
B. Subst.: mūnĕrārĭus , ii, m.
1. One who bestows gifts: “pauperum,Hier. Ep. 66, 5.—
2. The giver of a gladiatorial exhibition: “Thracem mirmilloni parem, munerario imparem dixerat,Suet. Dom. 10; Sen. Contr. 4 praef.; Inscr Orell. 1185; 2534; 2585; 3746.
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