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incorpŏrālis , e, adj. id.,
I.bodiless, incorporeal (post-Aug.): “quod est aut corporale est aut incorporale,Sen. Ep. 58, 11: “jus,Quint. 5, 10, 116: nomina, that denote something incorporeal, e. g. virtus, Prisc. 2, p. 579.—Hence, subst.: incorpŏrāle , is, n., an incorporeal thing, that which is unsubstantial, immaterial: “dicimus enim quaedam corporalia esse, quaedam incorporalia,Sen. Ep. 58, 11 sqq.; “89, 16: a corporibus se ad incorporalia transtulit,id. ib. 90, 29.—
II. Esp., law t. t., incorporeal, that which is not perceptible by any sense: res, rights to or in things (opp. corporales, the things themselves), Gai. Inst. 2, 14 sqq.—Hence, subst.: incorpŏrāle , is, n., an intangible possession, a right: incorporalia sunt quae tangi non possunt, Gai. Inst. l. l. Abdy ad loc.; 3, 83 al.; id. Ben. 6, 2, 2. — Hence, adv.: incorpŏrālĭter , incorporeally, Claud. Mam. de Stat. An. 3, 14.
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