I.containing two hundred, of or relating to two hundred (post-Aug.): “pondera,” Plin. 7, 20, 19, § 83: procuratores, i. e. who received a salary of 200 sestertia, Suet. Claud. 24 (cf. Dio Cass. 53, 15): “praefectus,” Inscr. Orell. 3444; cf. ib. 946; 2648.—Plur. as subst.: “ducenarii,” Cod. Just. 10, 19, 1: judices, petty judges (chosen from persons possessed of 200 sestertia), Suet. Aug. 32.—Subst.: dŭ-cēnārius , ii, m., in milit. lang., the commander of 200 men, Veg. Mil. 2, 8.—dŭcē-nārĭa , ae, f., the office of a ducenarius, i. q. ducena, Cod. Th. 1, 9, 1; App. M. 7, p. 190, 13.
dŭcēnārĭus , a, um, adj. id.,