(Not. app.; Eins. 3. 8) :a road which diverged immediately outside the PORTA COLLINA from the via Salaria and soon passed through the porta Nomentana of the Aurelian wall. It originally led to Ficulea (Liv. iii. 52 calls it via Ficulensis) and was then prolonged to Nomentum, 14 miles from Rome, and a prolongation of it joined the via Salaria at the twenty-sixth milestone. It was a road of purely local importance. No milestones of it have been found, and only two inscriptions of its curatores who were of equestrian rank (CIL iii. 6098 =Suppl. 727 ; EE. v. 194; CIL xiv. 3955; BC 1891, 129-130). Brickfields were situated on it (CIL xv. 677-682), and there are still some near the bridge over the Anio. See Jord. i. I. 221 ; T. iii. 1-35 ; SR i. 351; PBS iii. 38-84.