* (templum, Not.):a temple in Region VI (Not., which puts it next to the AEDES SALUTIS, (q.v.), built by Caracalla according to the testimony of a monumental inscription (CIL vi. 570=30796; cf. Hist. Aug. Carac. 9) confirmed by that of two others (IG xiv. 1024; CIL vi. 573 =30797; cf. NS 1909, 80). The first of these was found near the ruins of the great temple in the gardens of the Palazzo Colonna (Ill. 47), and the third not far away, while traces of the cult of Serapis are not infrequent on this part of the Quirinal (HJ 423 ; BC 1914, 374); some recently discovered remains have characteristic Severan brick-facing (YW 1926-7, 103), while the plan of the temple is itself Egyptian in character. We must therefore believe that these ruins were those of the temple of Serapis (for the literature of this identification and a description of the ruins, see TEMPLUM SOLIS AURELIANI). See Lafaye, Divin. d'Alex. (1884), 200-229; RE i. A. 2417.