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Bonae deae: an Italian goddess who probably represented the fruitful power of the earth, so that her mysteries, celebrated on December 3 and 4, corresponded to those of Demeter (Mother Earth) at Eleusis. It was her mysteries that Clodius had profaned (see note on sect. 13, p.176, 1.14).

taeterrimam, i.e. as having been slain while engaged in a criminal attempt.

judicio: cf. sect. 13 (p. 176, l. 15).

nec vero non, nor can it be but that

imaginibus (cf. formas, 1.28), waxen masks of ancestors, worn by persons in the funeral procession, to represent the departed worthies (see note on the jus imaginum, Introduction, p.1, N.1); cantu, music; ludis, games; exsequiis, procession; funere, burial rites.

celebritate, throng (see sect. 33, and notes).

mortem ejus lacerari, that his dead body should be mangled.

in quo, that in which, i.e. the Forum.

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  • Commentary references from this page (2):
    • Cicero, For Milo, 13
    • Cicero, For Milo, 33
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