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jucundus, etc.: ever since the introduction of Greek culture at Rome, it had been customary for cultivated Romans of high rank to entertain Greek men of letters in their houses, partly as tutors and partly as companions. Such associates frequently accompanied their patrons on their journeys and even on their campaigns.

Metello Numidico: the most distinguished member of this family. He was predecessor of Marius in the war against Jugurtha, and from this service in Numidia received his agnomen.

Aemilio, i.e. M. Aemilius Scaurus (cos. B.C. 115), for many years princeps senatus.

Catulo: see note on p. 156, l. 23.

L. Crasso: the most distinguished orator of his time, a man of genius and culture (see Introd., ch. ii, p. xxxiv); he died B.C. 91.

Drusum (M. Livius), tribune B.C. 91, a distinguished orator and statesman, who lost his life in a vain attempt to reconcile the aristocratic and democratic factions in the republic.

Octavios: see Cat. 3, sect. 24.

Catonem: probably the father of the famous Cato of Utica is meant.

Hortensiorum: the most eminent of these was Q. Hortensius, the rival of Cicero and his opponent in the case of Verres.

si qui forte, those (if there were any) who, etc.

Heracliam: an important Greek city on the southern coast of Lucania. In the war with Pyrrhus it had fought on the side of the Romans, and B.C. 278 it entered into an alliance of the closest and most favorable character (aequissimo jure ac foedere).

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    • Cicero, Against Catiline, 3.24
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