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οἱ ξυμ. πλὴν Κορινθίων—the relations between Corinth and Sparta since the Peace of Nicias, early in 421, had been somewhat complicated: Corinth stood ont of the Peace. Autnmn of 421, Corinth initiated a new leagne under Argos, v. 27, on the ground that Sparta was arming at ‘enslaving the Peloponnese.’ In May 420 Athens concluded an alliance with Argos, Elis, and Mantinea; from this Corinth held aloof, v. 48, and was inclined to join Sparta. In 418 Corinth joined Sparta against Argos, v. 58. But Corinth was never a cordial ally of Sparta after 421.

τὴν Ἀργείαν—in June 417 there had been a democratic revolution at Argos, which had then again joined Athens. In the antumn of both 417 and 416 the Spartans had invaded Argos.

τινα—Stahl takes this with σῖτον, Clas. with ζεύγη. If it be genuine (see crit. note), it probably belongs to σῖτον. ζ. κομίσαντες ‘having brought waggons (for the purpose).’

Ὀρνεάς—formerly an ally of Argos, but occupied by Sparta as a fort (ἐπιτείχισμα) from which to threaten Argos. For the capture of Orneae cf. Aristoph. Av. 395.

φυγάδας—oligarehs who fled at the time of the revolution at Argos, and had since been living at Phlius.

παρακαταλιπόντες—a ἅπαξ λεγ.

ὥστε—‘on condition that,’ a use of ὥστε and infin. common in Thuc., who uses ἐφ̓ , ἐφ̓ ᾧτε only with fut. indie. Cf. M. T. § 110.

ἐκδιδράσκ. οἱ ἐκ—a common case of attraction of preposition. Cf. Andoe. οἱ ἐκ τῆς ἀγορᾶς ἔφευγον. If the text is sound, Cie. ad Fam. vii. 1 has ex illo cubiculo, ex quo . . tempora consumpseris.

ὡς ᾔσθοντο—a favourite substitute for αἰσθόμενοι in the vicinity of another partic.

Μεθώνην—the addition is made in order to distinguish this M. from the M. in Messenia, which was attacked by the Athenians in 431 B.C., II. 25.

φυγάδας—they had been supporters of Perdiccas' brother Philip, whom Perdiecas had expelled from Upper Macedonia.

τὴν Περδίκκου—P. II. of Macedon, son of Alexander the Philhellene. His relations with Athens are not elearly explained by Thuc., and the omission is serious, as we cannot without such explanation understand fully the political position in the north-cast. The following table is compiled from Thuc.:— (1) Perdiecas was in alliance with Athens before 432. (2) In 432 he encouraged Potidaea to revolt. (3) 431: reconciliation with Athens. (4) 429: Athens projected an expedition against him. In 427 and 425 we know from inscriptions that Athens negotiated with him to prevent him from injuring Methone. (5) 424: he encouraged Brasidas to go to the north. (6) 424 autumn: he made terms with Athens. (7) 418: he joined Sparta after Mantinea. 417: the Athenians blockaded him ineffectually. (8) The present incident. (9) 414: he is again on good terms with Athens.

Χ. τοὺς ἐπὶ Θ—it is unknown when the truce was made between A. and the Chal., but it was probably in 417.

δεχημέρους—Clas. explains ‘renewable every ten days’; but such relations between A. and eities so distant are surcly impossible. Grote is probably right in explaining it ‘an armistice terminable at ten days' notice.’

ἐτελεύτα—the anaphora of this word is remarkable; but we have almost the same form of expression: ‘and winter ended, and with winter ended the year.’ Procopius imitates this expression of Thuc.; but for the second ἐτελεύτα he regulaily substitutes ἔληγε. The object of Thuc. in thus repeating ἐτελεύτα is doubtless to mark the fact that the end of winter and the end of the year of war coincide.

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hide References (5 total)
  • Commentary references from this page (5):
    • Thucydides, Histories, 2.25
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.27
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.48
    • Thucydides, Histories, 5.58
    • Thucydides, Histories, 7.1
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