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PUYS-DE-VOINGT (Les) Communes of Voingt and Giat, Puy-de-Dôme, France.

A Gallo-Roman locality extended over ca. 28 ha on the S slope of a hill (altitude 821 m) divided between two communes. Excavations have been carried out on the site on various occasions since the 18th c. Since 1934 excavations have systematically investigated the following: (1) a district of dwellings, some modest, built of light materials (some may go back to the Gallic period), othersmore substantial, built of stone; (2) artisans' workshops (smithy, glass factory); (3) at the top of the hill, a temple of Celtic type, open to the NE, under whose cella were the remains of an older building made of light materials; (4) two cemeteries E of the built-up area. The coins range from the last Gallic issues to Maximus. The pottery serics begins with some samples of Campanian ware and ends with terra sigillata decorated with hatchings impressed with a cog-wheel. The artifacts collected are at Giat in M. Charbonneau's house.


A. Tardieu, La Villa gallo-romaine de Beauclair (1882); G. Charbonneau, “Les Ruines gallo-romaines des Puys-de-Voingt,” & “Nouvelles fouilles aux Puys-de-Voingt,” Gallia 15 (1957) 117-28; 19 (1961) 226-31.


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