KESTROS (Macar Kalesi) Turkey.
City in Cilicia Aspera 6 km S-SE of Gazipaşa. It is mentioned by Hierokles and in the Notitiae, and apparently also by Ptolemy (5.7.5: Kaystros); Imperial coins of the 2d c. are known but not common. The site is on a hill above the village and is identified by inscriptions. A circuit wall of indifferent masonry is best preserved on the E side. The agora lay on the saddle dividing two modest eminences; on its N side stood a temple of Antoninus Pius and on the S a temple of Vespasian. On the N summit is a fortified enclosure, and below this a long terrace carrying numerous honorific statues. Outside the city on the E hillside are two cemeteries, which include a handsome built tomb.
A. Wilhelm, Neue Beiträge 4 (1915) 62-64; G. E. Bean & T. B. Mitford,AnatSt 12 (1962) 211-16; id., Journeys in Rough Cilicia 1964-1968 (1970) 155-70.G.E. BEAN