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ERYMNA (Ormana) Turkey.

In Pamphylia or Pisidia 18 km W of Akseki. The site is proved both by the survival of the name (Orymna in Hierokles and the Notitiae) and by an inscription found on the spot. Erymna is thought to have been in earlier times a member of the tribe of Katenneis mentioned by Strabo (570); later it was an independent city with a normal Greek constitution, though it never issued its own coinage.

The extant ruins are very scanty. The acropolis hill is peaked but not high; at its foot are the foundations of a columned building constructed of very large blocks. Otherwise there are only a sarcophagus and various architectural stones in the village, including the identifying inscription.


G. Hirschfeld, MonatsberBerl (1875) 142-43; H. Swoboda et al., Denkmäler aus Lykaonien . . . (1935) 48-50.


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