But now,
how incredible, how absurd is the idea that a man who wished to make a massacre at Rome, and
to burn down this city, should let his most intimate friend depart, should send him away into
the most distant countries! Did he so in order the more easily to effect what he was
endeavoring to do at Rome, if there were seditions in Spain?—“But these
things were done independently, and had no connection with one another.” Is it
possible, then, that he should have thought it desirable, when engaged in such important
affairs, in such novel and dangerous, and seditious designs, to send away a man thoroughly
attached to himself, his most intimate friend, one connected with himself by reciprocal good
offices and by constant intercourse? It is not probable that he should send a way, when in
difficulty, and in the midst of troubles of his own raising, the man whom he had always kept
with him in times of prosperity and tranquillity.
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