He adopts this plan,—he promises some of the most
insignificant of the judges some money; then he keeps it back, hoping by this means (as he
thought that the respectable men would, of their own accord, judge with impartiality) to make
those who were less esteemed furious against Oppianicus on account of their disappointment.
Therefore, as he had always been a blundering and a perverse fellow, he begins with Bulbus,
and finding him sulky and yawning because he had got nothing for a long time, he gives him a
gentle spur. “What will you do,” says he, “will you help me, O
Bulbus, so that we need not serve the republic for nothing?” But he, as soon as he
heard this—“For nothing,” said he, “I will follow
whenever you like. But what have you got?” Then he promises him forty thousand
sesterces if Oppianicus is acquitted. And he begs him to summon the rest of those with whom he
is accustomed to converse, and he, the contriver of the whole business, adds Gutta 1 to Bulbus.
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