However, there is a sudden divorce, which appeared likely to be a consolation for all her
misfortunes. Cluentia departs from Melinus; not unwilling to be released from the infliction
of such injuries, yet not willing to lose her husband. But then that admirable and illustrious
mother of hers began openly to exult with joy, to triumph in her delight, victorious over her
daughter, not over her lust. Therefore she did not choose her reputation to be attacked any
longer by uncertain suspicions; she orders that genial bed, which two years before she had
decked for her daughter on her marriage, to be decked and prepared for herself in the very
same house, having driven and forced her daughter out of it. The mother-in-law marries the
son-in-law, no one looking favourably on the deed, no one approving it, all foreboding a
dismal end to it.
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