That court of justice then, O judges, was not like a court of justice; for
in it there was no moderation preserved, no regard was had to custom and usage, nor was the
cause of the defendant properly advocated. It was all violence, and, as I have said before, a
sort of earthquake or tempest,—it was anything rather than a court of justice, or a
legal discussion, or a judicial investigation. But if there be any one who thinks that that
was a regular proceeding, and who thinks it right to adhere to the decision that was then
delivered; still he ought to separate this cause from that one. For it is said that a great
many things were demanded of him either because he had not taken the oath to observe the law,
or because he had not cast lots for electing judges in the room of those to whom objection had
been made in a legal manner. But the case of Cluentius can in no particular be connected with
these, laws, in accordance with which a penalty was sought to be recovered from Junius.
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