Oppianicus began to entreat the man to show him some method of corrupting
the tribunal But he, as was afterwards heard from Oppianicus himself, said that there was no
one in the city except himself who could do this. But at first he began to make objections,
because he said that he was a candidate for the aedileship with men of the highest rank, and
that he was afraid of incurring unpopularity and of giving offence. Afterwards, being
prevailed on, he required at first a large sum of money. At last, he came down to what could
be managed, and desired six hundred and forty thousand sesterces to be sent to his house. And
as soon as this money was brought to him, that most worthless man immediately began to form
and adopt the following idea,—that nothing could be more advantageous for his
interests than for Oppianicus to be condemned; because, if he were acquitted, he must either
distribute the money among the judges, or else restore it to him: but if he were condemned,
there would be no one to reclaim it.
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