Who e'er could witness this (who could endureExcept the lewdling, dicer, greedy-gut)
That should Mamurra get what hairy Gaul
And all that farthest Britons held whilòme?
(Thou bardache Romulus!) this wilt see and bear?
Then art a lewdling, dicer, greedy-gut!
He now superb with pride superfluous
Shall go perambulate the bedrooms all
Like white-robed dovelet or Adonis-love.
Romulus thou bardache! this wilt see and bear?
Then art a lewdling, dicer, greedy-gut!
Is't for such like name, sole Emperor thou!
Thou soughtest extreme Occidental Isle?
That this your . . . . Mentula
Millions and Milliards might at will absorb?
What is't but Liberality misplaced?
What trifles wasted he, small heirlooms spent?
First his paternal goods were clean dispersed;
Second went Pontus' spoils and for the third,—
Ebro-land,—weets it well gold-rolling Tage.
Fear him the Gallias? Him the Britons' fear?
Why cherish this ill-wight? what 'vails he do?
Save fat paternal heritage devour?
Lost ye for such a name, o puissant pair
(Father and Son-in-law), our all-in-all?