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[12] Encouraged by the numbers who were joining him, and by the glory of Cæsar, and by the good-will of all toward himself, he journeyed to Rome with a notable crowd which, like a torrent, grew larger and larger each day. Although he was safe from any open attacks by reason of the multitude surrounding him, he was all the more on his guard against secret ones, because almost all of those accompanying him were new acquaintances. Some of the towns were not altogether favorable to him, but Cæsar's veterans, who had been distributed in colonies, flocked from their settlements to greet the young man. They bewailed Cæsar, and cursed Antony for not proceeding against the monstrous crime, and said that they would avenge it if anybody would lead them. Octavius praised them, but postponed the matter for the present and sent them away. When he had arrived at Tarracina, about 400 stades from Rome, he received news that Cassius and Brutus had been deprived of Syria and Macedonia by the consuls, and had received the smaller provinces of Cyrenaica and Crete by way of compensation; that certain exiles had returned; that Sextus Pompey had been recalled; that some new members had been added to the Senate in accordance with Cæsar's memoranda, and that many other things were happening.1

1 Octavius went to Rome by way of Naples. In a letter to Atticus, written at Puteoli in April, Cicero says: " Octavius arrived at Naples on the 14th Kalends. There Balbus saw him on the morning of the following day and on the same day came to me at Cumæ to tell me that he was going to claim his inheritance; but, as you say, he will have a lively time with Antony." (Ad Att. xiv. 10.) In another letter he writes: "Octavius has arrived at the neighboring villa of Philippus. He is devoted to me." In the next letter he says: " Octavius treats me with the greatest distinction and friendship. Some call him Cæsar. Philippus does not; therefore I do not. I am sure that he cannot be a good citizen, so many of those around him threaten death to our friends and say that these things cannot be borne. What think you when this boy shall come to Rome where our liberators cannot live in safety? They will always be famous, and happy also in the consciousness of what they have done. But, unless I am deceived, we shall be flat on our backs." (Ad Att. xiv. 12.)

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    • Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), TARRACI´NA
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