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When the ephors asked again: “And where did they say they would get weapons?” the informer replied that Cinadon said: “Of course those of us who are in the army have weapons of our own, and as for the masses”—he led him, he said, to the iron market, and showed him great quantities of knives, swords, spits, axes, hatchets, and sickles. And he said, the informer continued, that all those tools with which men work the land and timber and stone were likewise weapons, and that most of the other industries also had in their implements adequate weapons, especially against unarmed men. When he was asked again at what time this thing was to be done, he said that orders had been given him to stay in the city.
Xenophon. Xenophon in Seven Volumes, 1 and 2. Carleton L. Brownson. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, MA; William Heinemann, Ltd., London. vol. 1:1918; vol. 2: 1921.
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References (7 total)
- Cross-references to this page
- Dictionary of Greek and Roman Geography (1854), LACO´NIA
- Basil L. Gildersleeve, Syntax of Classical Greek, Forms of the subject.
- Cross-references in general dictionaries to this page
- LSJ, ἐργάζομαι
- LSJ, μάχαιρ-α
- LSJ, ὀβελ-ίσκος
- LSJ, σίδηρος
- LSJ, συντάσσω
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