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Alas! Were you sightless even from birth? [150] Evil have been your days, and many, it appears. But at least if I can help it, you shall not add this curse to your lot. You go too far—too far! [155] That your rash steps may intrude on the field of this voiceless, grassy glade, where the waters of the mixing bowl blend their stream with the flow of honied offerings, beware, unhappiest of strangers. [160] Retire! Withdraw! Let a wide space part us. Do you hear, toil-worn wanderer? If you have anything to say in converse with us, [165] leave forbidden ground, and speak where it is lawful for all; but, till then, refrain.

[170] Daughter, to what counsel shall we incline?

My father, we must behave just as the townspeople do, listening and giving way where it is necessary.

Then give me your hand.

I lay it in yours.

Strangers, let me not suffer wrong [175] when I have trusted in you, and have passed from my refuge!

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