in the city for any prize of
victory or in any other honorable emulation. He is unwilling to spend money
for fame and rivalries of that sort, and, fearing to awaken his prodigal
desires and call them into alliance for the winning of the victory, he
fights in true oligarchical1 fashion with
a small part of his resources and is defeated for the most part
and—finds himself rich!2” “Yes
indeed,” he said. “Have we any further doubt,
then,” I said, “as to the correspondence and
resemblance3 between the thrifty and
money-making man
1 ὀλιγαρχικῶς keeps up the analogy between the man and the state. Cf. my “Idea of Justice,”Ethical Record,Jan. 1890, pp. 188, 191, 195.
2 i.e. he saves the cost of a determined fight. For the effect of surprise cf. on 544 C, p. 239, note f.
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