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Furthermore, supposing I had been of a mind to be heedless of my domestics, how should I have dared, when so many persons had rented the plot, and all were acquainted with the facts, to clear away the stump for the sake of a petty profit, while there was no statute of limitations1 to protect them, so that all who had worked the plot were alike concerned in the preservation of the stump, and hence they would be able, if anyone accused them, to transfer the blame to their successor? But as it is, they have manifestly absolved me,2 and have thus taken upon themselves a share of the charge in case they are lying.
1 In non-religious cases, a limit of time might be prescribed by law beyond which a crime was not chargeable to anyone. Dem. 18.269.
2 By not accusing me for their own exculpation.
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